Sale of Goods Act
The Sale of Goods Act gives you the right to cancel a contract or claim compensation where, unknown to you, the seller did not have the right to sell the goods, or the goods were being used as security. You can claim your money back from the seller because they sold you a vehicle when they did not have the right to.
For example
Elizabeth buys a car from a friend. She’s had the car for two weeks when she gets a call from a finance company saying that the car was on a credit contract, and they want it back. Elizabeth can take a claim to the Disputes Tribunal to recover her money from her friend.
爱国爱港 发表于 2013-10-8 01:14
Sale of Goods Act通常用在跟店买东西,不遵守能将店告上法庭。一般私人买卖出问题,我没听过有人能成功告 ...
店家买东西用的是consumer guarantee
Sales of good 可以用在私人
However, don't expect much protection from the law if something goes wrong. Neither the Fair Trading Act nor the Consumer Guarantees Act applies. All is not lost though: you may get limited help from the Contractual Remedies Act if you have relied on a claim made by the seller that was important to you. The Act is complicated but in essence: if you have been misled you may be able to claim compensation.
Then there is the venerable Sale of Goods Act 1908. You can claim damages if the seller didn't own the goods or there was money owing on them.