朋友自己买的房子是一间Unit排房(整个Unit共8间),房子自带一个约30平米的小院,小院是他自己独立使用的,有1.8米的fence和院门。最近他买了一条小狗养(小狗宝宝才2个月,从来不叫,不扰民),他和小狗玩儿的时候被邻居看到了,邻居就把他养狗的事儿告诉了物业公司,物业公司发邮件告知他这种房子是不能养小狗的,只能养一只小猫。请问这有法律依据吗?朋友在不扰民的情况下,可以养小狗吗?谢谢各位!作者: AUGUSTUS 时间: 2013-10-1 11:02:15
83 Rights and responsibilities of owners of principal units in subsidiary unit title developments
(1)This section applies to the owner of a principal unit in a subsidiary unit title development.
(2)The owner of the principal unit has the same rights relating to access and enjoyment of the common property of the following unit title developments as if the owner of the principal unit were the owner of a principal unit in that unit title development:
(a)the parent unit title development of the subsidiary unit title development:
(b)any other unit title development located between the subsidiary unit title development and its head unit title development:
(c)the head unit title development.
(3)The owner of the principal unit must comply with the body corporate operational rules of the following unit title developments in addition to the body corporate operational rules of the subsidiary unit title development:
(a)the parent unit title development of the subsidiary unit title development:
(b)any other unit title development located between the subsidiary unit title development and its head unit title development:
(c)the head unit title development.作者: 紫影婆娑 时间: 2013-10-1 11:46:04