還有, 我是讀 accounting and commercial law double major.我現在有一份part time job, 如果店可以給我辦一個duty manager or shop manager, 我可以 辦工簽嗎? -還有可辦 PR 嗎? (does this has to be related to my uni study?)
還有, 我是讀 accounting and commercial law double major.我現在有一份part time job, 如果店可以給我辦一個duty manager or shop manager, 我可以 辦工簽嗎? -還有可辦 PR 嗎? (does this has to be related to my uni study?)
Graduate Job Search Visa
If you are a student who has completed a qualification or qualifications in New Zealand, but you do not have a job offer, you may be eligible for a Graduate Job Search Work Visa for a maximum of 12 months. Then, when you have found a job, you can apply for a further visa for up to two or three years under the Study to Work category.
To be eligible for a Graduate Work Search Visa you must:
have successfully completed a qualification in New Zealand that meets the study to work qualification requirements
apply no later than three months (six months if you have completed a doctoral qualification) after the end date of the student visa for that qualification
provide evidence of a minimum of NZ$4,200 available to maintain yourself during your 12-month stay in New Zealand (we will accept traveller's cheques or bank documents in your name).
移民局网址链接,自己有时间多看看多学学http://www.dol.govt.nz/immigration/knowledgebase/item/1074作者: 中国留学 时间: 2013-10-1 09:55:27