mum and dad are citzens of the united states. there is no point of going back to the commi zone when you are livin in the penthouse of the tallest monolith in Elyzium. get a grip of reality, wil ya?作者: tina223 时间: 2013-9-29 15:21:24
本帖最后由 tina223 于 2013-9-29 14:22 编辑
香辣炸酱面 发表于 2013-9-29 13:59
怎么也要去申根呀 嘿嘿
Schengen is no different to the yellow canary you slap on your bumper- it's an entrance card for people of the commi world to sneak a wee peek of the physiognomy of a freeman.作者: KENZO--007 时间: 2013-9-29 15:59:38