衣服之类的东西啊!不会很重的.作者: AUGUSTUS 时间: 2013-9-26 19:49:29
贝美 发表于 2013-9-26 15:22
FAST WAY 好不好啊?
fastway 現在不便宜,特別是你的價格可能在 standard user 的話,會更貴一點。NZ couriers 和 courier post 在個別 products 上的價格比 fastway 貴,但他們的服務和網絡比 fastway 要完善。如果你是小散戶,我建議你用 courier post or NZ courier.作者: 懂小猪 时间: 2013-9-26 23:38:14
贝美 发表于 2013-9-26 15:24
National wide $6.85+GST for items less than 2 KG(shoessize box), Akl area $3.85 +GSt www.fastway.co.nz; if u can spend a certain a amount, the frequent user rate is cheaper
National wide $6.85+GST for items less than 2 KG(shoessize box), Akl area $3.85 +GSt www.fastway.co.nz; if u can spend a certain a amount, the frequent user rate is cheaper
National wide $6.85+GST for items less than 2 KG(shoessize box), Akl area $3.85 +GSt www.fastway.co.nz; if u can spend a certain amount, the frequent user rate is cheaper