2b 如果当时没有交通灯,请参考一下以下road code所解释的give way rules, 重点在我加深的部分,应该可以解释你们的争论。
What are the give way rules?
•Road users must stop or give way as necessary at Stop signs, Give Way signs and traffic signals.
• If you are turning, give way to vehicles not turning. Note: if you are leaving the path of a marked centre line, you are deemed to be turning and must give way to vehicles that are following the centre line.
• If you are turning right, give way to all vehicles coming towards you including those turning left. Note: this applies if both vehicles are facing no signs or signals or the same signs or signals.
• At a T-intersection or driveway, traffic on a terminating road (bottom of the T) must give way to all traffic on a continuing road (top of the T).
•In all other situations, give way to all vehicles coming from your right, eg at a crossroad controlled by traffic signals, when the signals have failed and all approaches have flashing yellow lights.
而且, traffic on a terminating road(你在的地方), must give way to all traffic "on a continuing road", on a continuing road 的意思是在主路上,只要对方的车子在主路上,无论是打左灯,打右灯,他还是“on a continuing road", 不是吗?