2> 小孩在澳洲出生的话,假如父母双方或一方是新西兰公民(在纽西兰出生或者通过citizenship by grant取得的citizenship),可以通过Citizenship by decent获得新西兰公民权 (If you were born outside New Zealand on or after 1 January 1978, and one of your parents was a New Zealand citizen otherwise than by descent at the time of your birth, then you may have a claim to New Zealand citizenship by descent. )。这种情况假如一直居住在澳洲,小孩10岁时可以取得澳洲国籍。
在澳洲出生的小孩,如上1>所述情况:父母一方为新西兰公民,另一方为中国护照(新西兰PR或者新西兰人配偶签证),小孩理论上可取得中国护照(因为孩子并非出生时“即具有外国国籍”,也就是并不能根据新西兰的citizenship by birth取得国籍)。作者: Mico 时间: 2013-6-23 20:06:13