
标题: 车被别人蹭了, 有肢体冲突, 还能找保险索赔么?(已经回答) [打印本页]

作者: WOSHIZWN    时间: 2013-4-29 20:31:20     标题: 车被别人蹭了, 有肢体冲突, 还能找保险索赔么?(已经回答)

本帖最后由 AMICUS_LAW 于 2013-4-29 20:33 编辑

那天在红绿灯等着, 后面突然被一个阿三撞了, 有掉漆, 不严重. 阿三开个破车, 估计没保险, 当时想耍赖

后来有点肢体冲突, 被附近另外一个阿三看见了,我们都报警了, 阿三有证人, 说我对他动手, 警察给我个警告,不起诉我. 阿三又开始耍赖说是我倒车撞他.

这种明显的后车造成的事故痕迹能找保险公司向阿三索赔么? 阿三会反咬一口告我打他么?
作者: AMICUS_LAW    时间: 2013-4-29 20:32:56


作者: WOSHIZWN    时间: 2013-4-29 21:27:32

AMICUS_LAW 发表于 2013-4-29 20:32

保险公司只会调查撞车是什么什么原因,如果是对方追尾,会理赔和找 ...

那如果他要告我打他, 基本可能是他赢吧, 如果输了官司会赔什么?
作者: AMICUS_LAW    时间: 2013-4-29 21:28:20

WOSHIZWN 发表于 2013-4-29 21:27
那如果他要告我打他, 基本可能是他赢吧, 如果输了官司会赔什么?

作者: WOSHIZWN    时间: 2013-4-29 22:24:54

AMICUS_LAW 发表于 2013-4-29 21:28

也就是说警察不起诉我, 那么对方是不能起诉我的是么? 我就怕如果我找保险公司修车, 保险公司找他麻烦, 他会一气之下把我告了.

我记得当时警察跟我说他们只给我个警告,但是他们要问对方要不要起诉我, 这个难道不算么?

作者: 闪亮男孩    时间: 2013-5-7 09:44:31

本帖最后由 闪亮男孩 于 2013-5-7 09:45 编辑

如果警察说了不起诉你 他使用私人起诉途径的几率几乎是没有 因为太昂贵并且麻烦 这里打架都是警察起诉 你可以放心的找他索赔
作者: WOSHIZWN    时间: 2013-5-7 19:36:01

闪亮男孩 发表于 2013-5-7 09:44
如果警察说了不起诉你 他使用私人起诉途径的几率几乎是没有 因为太昂贵并且麻烦 这里打架都是警察起诉 你可 ...

我担心的是他有证人,基本打官司我肯定输, 那么如果输了会赔什么么?
作者: 闪亮男孩    时间: 2013-5-7 19:48:06

本帖最后由 闪亮男孩 于 2013-5-7 19:48 编辑
WOSHIZWN 发表于 2013-5-7 19:36
我担心的是他有证人,基本打官司我肯定输, 那么如果输了会赔什么么?

警察如果处理了 百分之99就不会告你了 你真的不需要担心这个
作者: 闪亮男孩    时间: 2013-5-7 19:52:22

本帖最后由 闪亮男孩 于 2013-5-7 19:52 编辑

Private criminal prosecutions in New Zealand
are rare. For a start they require a
complainant with the strength of his or her
convictions and normally a refusal by the
Police to prosecute. Of course the Police
don’t have to be involved, a private person
can prosecute an “offender” without having
involved the Police at all.

Before bringing a prosecution the
complainant needs to be make sure the case
is fully investigated. This may mean
instructing a Private Investigator. The file
and evidence should then be reviewed by an
independent person, most appropriately the
lawyer the complainant will instruct to
prosecute the case. Private prosecutions
taken by complainants acting for themselves
bring risks of non compliance with Court
procedures and rules and ultimately failure
and a costs award. Costs can be ordered
against an unsuccessful prosecutor under
the costs in Criminal Cases Act, however
they are not awarded just because the
accused is finally acquitted, there must be
more justification than just losing.
作者: 闪亮男孩    时间: 2013-5-7 19:53:25


Sue the “offender” in the civil
jurisdiction of the Court for a
personal wrong under the
Common Law system of Tort. This
is only available where the
offending has a personal nature to
it for instance, assault. It would not
be available if the offending was
against a Third Party. Again
expensive and time consuming
with no guarantee of success in
the end. Costs become relevant in
the civil court if you lose. Also the
question of penalty becomes
problematic. A Civil court cannot
impose a fine or imprisonment for

但是这种都不能罚你款 怕什么。。
作者: WOSHIZWN    时间: 2013-5-7 20:06:42

闪亮男孩 发表于 2013-5-7 19:53

Sue the “offender” in the civil

作者: 刘芳菲    时间: 2013-5-7 20:24:49

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