city没有24小时的,mt albert有一家 2 @5 Q7 h0 U9 p# a8 ~; m/ a; n1 P6 i6 N) ~& S+ y( b
ANIMAL EMERGENCY CENTRE 3 H1 I* @ ] v8 m0 t97 CARRINGTON RD MT ALBERT(不是从3号门进的,在3号门和2号门之前有个独立的出入口)电话是09-8492121 : G* m9 I6 h; ^0 q8 Y: jThe animal emergency centre opens on the 3rd September. Situated at 97 Carrington Rdit is Auckland's newest after hours clinic and will provide cover forUnitec Veterinary Hospital when we are closed. It will be open from 6pmto 8am Monday to Friday and 12pm Saturday to 8am Monday