老公之前在一个车场打工, 合同写的是full time permanent staff, 之后老公簽过合同后一直要他自己那份copy, 老板就以各种理由拖着迟迟不给,后来忙忙就没再问老板要了。再过了一段时间, 听闻次车场要倒闭了, 老板连工资都付不出了, 还是拖了几天才到账的, 我老公要养家糊口就赶忙又找了份工作, 并递了辞呈。 结束工作后, 老板只付了他最后一个星期的工资, 并没有给他应得的holiday pay, 我老公就打电话去问, 结果回复他说由于他未工作满六个月, 根据合同, 他不能得到holiday pay. 我不大相信这老板的话, 于是就在工作日打电话给labour department, 他们员工就告诉我, 大致意思是这样说的: as your husband worked there for a while, it doesn't matter if the contract says he only can get the holiday pay after he worked for 6 months, as the holiday pay should be paid out when he finishes working there. This is under legislation, under the law. 这样讲说明我老公无论如何应得到这份holiday pay, 银行转帐可以印出来, 总数8% 就应当是他的holiday pay,我老公把这些话又对他的老板说了, 结果老板又回复他, 根据他(老板)的accountant, 他们也有查证labour department, 我老公是拿不到这份钱的。 所以我们觉得这是不是等于死活不认帐了, 这边的法律到底是怎样规定的? 到底我们应该如何办, 这钱到不是有多多, 不过平白被人家骗着, 郁闷的我们舒不了这口气。。。。请懂得相关法律的专业人士赐教下。。。
坐等作者: piggypie 时间: 2013-4-13 20:36:34
。。。。。。作者: piggypie 时间: 2013-4-14 08:30:45
还没有人知道么?作者: 闪亮男孩 时间: 2013-4-14 20:04:42
本帖最后由 闪亮男孩 于 2013-4-14 19:07 编辑
Depart of Labour 的员工告诉你的是对的 你老公应该拿到这笔钱 (8% of the employee’s gross earnings since the commencement of employment)
23 Calculation of annual holiday pay if employment ends within 12 months
(1) Subsection (2) applies if—
(a) the employment of an employee comes to an end; and
(b) the employee is not entitled to annual holidays because he or she has worked for less than 12 months for the purposes of section 16.
(2) An employer must pay the employee 8% of the employee’s gross earnings since the commencement of employment, less any amount—
(a) paid to the employee for annual holidays taken in advance; or
(b) paid in accordance with section 28.
Section 23(2): amended, on 1 April 2007, by section 42.