今天会去TV33做一期关于这个话题的节目。 很不想上镜,他们说不想上镜可以给打马赛克,我说,那还不如不打呢 。。。
3月31日,看了TVOne 的 Sunday。 感觉节目中充满自负,谎言与偏见。
基本上是这样的,节目的主角叫Danny 他在中国因为“防卫过当”杀人被关了四年 (其实就是斗殴,在别人倒地了还踢被害者的头部,导致对方死亡)。现在出于人道主义,提前放回来了。他就建了个Forced Labour的组织。
节目的link (注意,这个节目是 Sunday News. 是属于新闻类节目。这要求节目的内容理应有更严格的公正/准确性。:
---- 欣慰的是,新西兰大多数民众的正义感。在TV One的facebook留言上,大多数是对节目和Danny本人的批评。我为自己是一名New Zealander 骄傲和自豪!
比如最新的一个留言:Sarah Armitage Just watched this and what the Fu#ck!!! This man killed someone, shows no remorse and is whining about being treated badly in prison! Wake up buddy, you killed someone, your lucky you didn't get longer. That's how real prisons should be, not like a bloody holiday camp. Do the crime, thats what you get. Shame on you Sunday for even putting this on NZ tv!!
我对Danny及TV One所说的表示愤怒:
6)说中国向西方大量出口奴隶生产的产品赚取大量利润,TVOne 呼吁大家买中国生产产品时要小心。
对于Danny, 外加一条,鼓励种族歧视。youtube上有很多种族歧视言论(都是必须要他批准才可以发布的。我在上面发言他从来就没有批准过):
比如最新的一个留言:you are an amazing human one I proudly call a New Zealand hero..The Chinese are dirty in all aspects. Why we let them into God-Zone I willnever know. If we could only ship them back. They are doing business here likethey are still in China.
电视节目里一直使用“奴隶”这个词,而回避“囚犯”或“罪犯”。囚犯参与强制性劳动是个全球问题,美国,包括新西兰都在做,或打算在做。所谓囚犯,就是因为犯了罪,而被剥夺一定的人权,包括自由,或强迫劳动。每个国家也对囚犯有自己的惩罚措施,比如中国的劳动改造,比如新加坡的鞭刑。电视台一直用“奴隶”取代“劳动囚犯”。是否可以用“绑架” 取代“逮捕”,用“虐待”取代"鞭刑“,用”谋杀“取代”死刑“呢? 如果这个4年的判决不合理,我们可以接受”奴隶“,”绑架“这些词。但,真的不合理吗?如果说不合理,那也是判得太轻了。
就像当时新西兰总理所说的,在处理外国人的刑事犯罪上,中国的司法系统还是公正的。事实是,对于西方人,通常我们的司法系统是宽松的 (当然,我觉得这也是不公。我们应该一视同人,而不是对洋大人就唯唯诺诺)。
节目不光不尊重被杀的中国人,并且还诋毁 Made in China 的产品。节目中声称 "many" 中国进口的廉价产品中都有"slave"生产的部件。这些出口是 "for" 西方国家的。一再呼吁观众们购买的时候小心 --- 这个我觉得有些撤吧?中国产品再不好,也不能被平白无故地泼污水吧。
我已经向TVNZ投诉了。 总共写了两封。一次是对整个节目;一次仅仅是对他们所谓的 ”"Chinese use slave to produce many products for western countries as highly-profitable business".
(给feedback) http://tvnz.co.nz/tvnz-corporate-comms/feedback-form-4935039
(正式投诉, 对方必须20个工作日内给个说法) http://tvnz.co.nz/content/823787
I'm a Chinese New Zealand citizen. I believe that programme issimply a programme todiscredit and insult China, Chinese, and, these trading with China.
That programme was not fair, information was not balanced/accurate.The origination"Forced Labour" is just simply a origination forspreading Danny'spersonal antipathy against China & Chinese.
I believe this program portray Chinese community in a highly offensive way.
I believe this program used material that would distress or offendthe peopletrading with China.
I believe this program actively glamorise or promote breaking the law. as it shows no sorry at all for killing people.
I believe this program will cause significant potential impact on,or is ofconcern to, members of the New Zealand public, by the way of sending very negative information about visiting China, doing business in China and buying"Made in China" products.
I believe this program has lack accuracy which important forviewers' correct understanding of the issues being discussed. e.g. why Danny hadbeen punishedby doing 4 years forced labour in prison.
I believe this program is lack of fairness. e.g. use the word slave rather than prisoner labour.
I believe this program portray Chinese business people in aoffensive way.
1) No respect to the victim & victim's family
Danny did not (never) feel sorry at all for the people he killed.that programme did not show any respect to the victim & his family at all.
Danny said the killing was for self-defence, and, the court judgment was bullshit. He also said, he was attacked only because he was a foreigner. I dont think that make any sense. in China, the law is simple, if you kill someone, in very most case, you will be executed. these 5 "bad Chinese" must had good reason to risk their life to kill Danny at a public place. I understand that was not robbery or kidnapping. so, what made Danny believe these 5 people want to kill him if he did not do anything wrong?
The fact was, Danny kicked the victim in his head while he was already lying on theground. I believe that's over-self-defense, or, even murder.
The fact was, one Chinese family lost their son, husband, farther,and, Danny did not seriously injured.
I would recommand this programme also to interview the victim's family. to ask what they feel, and, what they have been suffering.
2) Doing business in China is dangerous
In that programme Danny said that's very very dangerous to do business in China. and,the programme seems to support his statement.I will question this. this might happen in many other countries, but hardly happen in China. 27,190,000 foreigners came to China in 2012, how many of them were attacked?
That's not easy to be in another country. when I 1st came to NewZealand, people used BB gun to shoot me, and said fucking Chinese just because I am Chinese. Comparing to New Zealand. that's almost no racial discrimination in China.
however, while you go to another country, make sure you respect their culture & law. something ok in New Zealand does not mean ok in other countries. watch the language as well, wrong language might also cause issues.
3) China's law is bad
In that programme Danny said China's law is bad. and, the programme seems to suppor this statement.
I agree that China's law system has a lot problem, especially political part. but the criminal law itself is not bad, it's to punish the people who did some thing wrong, whatever intentionally or unintentionally.
For Danny's case, that's nothing about political, I can't see why it's bad. The statement made by the Labour MP that the Chinese Justice System is usually lenient to foreigners seems like it may actually be true in this case.
Moreover, Chinese Justice System is normally very soft for foreign. For a normal Chinese in this case will very likely to stay in prison for 10-15Years.
I could kill you if you push me ---- is that the GOOD law by Danny/TVOne'sstandard? or, Chinese could be killed without cost?
4) Prisoner labour, not slave
why TVone used the world slave, not prisoner or criminal?
prisoner labour is a global debate topic. to this topic,some people agree,some people don't.
prisoners,means, some of their human rights will be taken for aperiod of time as punishment (for example: freedom). prisoner labour is forced, and, that's part of the punishment. different country have different way for punishment. e.g. in Singapore, they use whipping.
Slave is not a fair word for prisoner labour. just like you should not use kidnapping to replace captivity for prisoners.
5) Unfair treatment of foreign prisoners?
The programme tried to bring a message that there are unfair treatment of foreign prisoners in China. but the programme could not give any evidence to support that local Chinese prisoners are treated better than foreign prisoners.
Dont expect you will be treated like a VIP in the prison any where in the world. (I understand China is below the average). but unfair treatment of foreign prisoners? as far as I know, the only possible difference is foreign prisoner swill be treated better than very most local Chinese prisoners. because that will be monitored by foreign government/embassy, while most other Chinese prisoners are helpless.
6) exporting prison factory product to western countries?
That does not make any sense. if I was to control Chinese governmentor or prison factories, I would not trouble myself to sell these products to western countries, as "prison factory" could be a very sensitive team in western countries. China has 1.4billion population, the market should be huge enough to consume the products from these prison factories.
China has millions factories, that should be enough to supply western countries. even if for exporting,I would export them to African or South American. as "prison factory"is less sensitive in these areas.the programme could not give any evidence rather than what Danny said to support this. could I call that slander?
7) bring kiwi prisoners home
this is a good welling. but whileTVOne supporting this, you should tell people the risk/cost of doing this. NewZealand's law system is much better than the system in China & most othercountries. however, to bring kiwi prisoners home is a very bad idea. becausethe cost will be too high. if we could bring kiwi prisoners home,we will have to send foreign prisoners back as well. think about this, if a Chinese come to NZ & killed a kiwi. then we send him/her back withoutpunishment??
follow my complain made on 1st April. This programe is now avery hot topic in New Zealand Chinese community. Here are some questions we(not only myself) want to ask. we dont know how much research TV One had done before broadcasting,as many information in this programme are different to what we know (please don'tcall us "Brain Washed", we are all New Zealanders. We know how to dogood research. ").
All following questions are only for the statement of "Chinese use slave to produce many products for western countries as highly-profitable business".
You call that "secret force labour network " and"slave"
1) Why do you call that "force labour network"& "slave", not "prison labour" as normally used forthis kind of labour?
2) Why do you call that "secret network" while everyonein China knows that prisoners need to work in the prison. That's part of thepunishment. Just like the whipping in Singapore, that's not a secure.
3) If there's any dirty secret. Do you think the Chinese governmentis that stupid to let a people from western country to go inside it's"secret network" that easily? and, early released him?
The programme said, these prison factories are forwestern market? --- you used the word "for"
1) China had prohibited the exportation of any product rated to or made by prisoners in 1991. See Custom's website below: http://www.customs.gov.cn/publish/portal0/tab399/module1147/info10505.htm(China Custom's website)
2) If I was to control the government or these prison factories, I would not trouble myself to export the products. Chinese market isbig enough to consum these low quality products.
3) the programme used the word "for", which means dedicated to. Why Chinese prohibit the exporting to other countries like Iran, North Korea,Afghanistan? Why all prison factories should produce products "for" western countries only?
The programme said many products from China contain theparts from forced labour?
Wait a minimum. how many? and what are they? could you name even one?
You call these prison factories "highly profitable"business. you are sure?
1) Do you have any evidence or number, or anything tosupport this? Do you know how much money these factories could make while you call that "highly profitable"?
2) From your programme, Danny claim he hand-made these inductors, as they can't use machines. From the programme, I saw these inductors were selling for $0.01 to max $0.03/piece on-line. Price negotiable if buy 1000 piece. If Danny can make one inductor every minute, and, he work 12hours a day no stop. he could make 720 inductors by hands, which worth $7.2 -$21.6. Minus the materials cost, commission,security check cost, quality check cost, re-packing cost etc. How much the factory can make?
3) In Guangdong China, you can pay as less as RMB1000/month to hire a professional young worker, but, you will need to pay RMB5000-7000/month to hire a police officer to teach / monitor / guard these worst criminals in varying ages & skill. I was told we have to spend NZ$30,000/year to look after one prisoner. I dont know the cost in China. but I'm sure that will be a bad business. Worse if deal with foreign prisoners, as the prison will have to pay much higher salary to hire the officers who can speak multi-language
4) Danny said he made all sorts of goods. headsets, inductors, cloths. A good factory should only dedicate on one product. as they dont have to train the worker for different skills. again, bad business.
5) If I was to run a pension factory as business, I would bring the prisioners to the place like quarry --- no product quality check, no skill required, hard labour, better profit, much easier to be managed/monitored.
Here are something we know about "prison labour"in China.
1) In the subconscious of many westerners, In China, good peopleare all in pension, and, bad people are walking on the street. You knew that'snot true, but that's in your subconscious.
2) Like many places in the world. "prison" is alsoa dark place in China. Don't expect much human rights. What you can do, is tofollow the orders & rules.
3) Many guards & police officers are tough. As their jobis dealing with these worst people in China every day, inc robbers, murderers,rapists (might also inc few innocent people, such as political prisoners).
4) Three main purposes for "prison labour": 1) punishment;2) let them to learn some kills so that they could find a job; 3) teach them tolove labour. as very most criminal want to reap without sowing.
5) Like many places in the world. In prison, following orderis very important. if you are required to work and you refused, you will bepunished. even if you just refused to turn the lights off in the evening as required,you will be punished too.
In New Zealand, we are very produced to have the best Justice system. and, we treat prisoners very well. I understand we have announced40-hours work/week for inmates in plan to cut boredom and reoffending. I am so gladto see most New Zealanders support this! Please don't call that salving. I believe this is the right step to the right direction for our nation.
爱国爱港 发表于 2013-4-1 22:05
说实话我不反对大家投诉, ...
爱国爱港 发表于 2013-4-1 22:46
我哪里攻击人哦?第一我是希望中国人在国外生活需要多点自信。第二我认为不单没有大用,洋媒体收到投诉反 ...
爱国爱港 发表于 2013-4-1 22:46
我哪里攻击人哦?第一我是希望中国人在国外生活需要多点自信。第二我认为不单没有大用,洋媒体收到投诉反 ...
爱国爱港 发表于 2013-4-1 22:51
阳春面 发表于 2013-4-1 22:27
http://news.xinhuanet.com/society/2012-05/17/c_123142386.htm ...
0222999999 发表于 2013-4-1 23:40
you are an amazing human one I prou ...
lizanqq 发表于 2013-4-2 09:05
http://tvnz.co.nz/tvnz-corporate-comms/feedback-form-4935039 把这个链接编辑到你帖子里吧 ·让华人一 ...
lizanqq 发表于 2013-4-2 09:05
http://tvnz.co.nz/tvnz-corporate-comms/feedback-form-4935039 把这个链接编辑到你帖子里吧 ·让华人一 ...
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