
标题: Is it easy for a Civil Engineering graduate to find a job in NZ? [打印本页]

作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-28 08:56:52     标题: Is it easy for a Civil Engineering graduate to find a job in NZ?

Is it easy for a Civil Engineering graduate to find a job in NZ?
作者: 阿海    时间: 2013-3-28 09:01:19

yes i think so.
作者: jingjingwu    时间: 2013-3-28 09:20:44

yes i think so.
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2013-3-28 09:22:32

relatively easy at any given time.

if you cant. you must have "issues" lol
作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-28 09:27:52

By the way, I am a woman, I have a bachelor degree from China, but did not work as a engineer. I have studied 3 years for accounting in NZ, have worked at accounting in NZ for 9 years, but after loosing job recently, hard to find job again. I am considering changing career into Civil engineering or environment engineering.
1.I wonder if it worth me study for another 3-4 years?
2.If I do decide, is civil engineering better or environment engineering better?
3.IS Auckland uni better (4 years for engineering) or Unitec better (3 years, technician only)
4. will NZ give opportunity to a middle aged Chinese woman civil engineer or Environment engineer?
5. Are you a civil engineer yourself?
作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-28 09:29:53

阿海 发表于 2013-3-28 09:01
yes i think so.

By the way, I am a woman, I have a bachelor degree of Engineering from China, but did not work as a engineer. I have studied 3 years for accounting in NZ, have worked at accounting in NZ for 9 years, but after loosing job recently, hard to find job again. I am considering changing career into Civil engineering or environment engineering.
1.I wonder if it worth me study for another 3-4 years?
2.If I do decide, is civil engineering better or environment engineering better?
3.IS Auckland uni better (4 years for engineer) or Unitec better (3 years, technician only)
4. will NZ give opportunity to a middle aged Chinese woman civil engineer or Environment engineer?
5. Are you a civil engineer yourself? find job easily?
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2013-3-28 09:43:57

1. yes its worth it.
2. civil is better, buy i think structural within civil is even better, personal choice.
3. akl uni is more academic, employer likes uoa graduates. unitec graduate used to be engineering technician only.
4. back in my days. yes. should be the same now, given you havr accounting background...
5. yes i am. job finds me.
作者: blindee    时间: 2013-3-28 09:51:43

Jane16 发表于 2013-3-28 09:27
By the way, I am a woman, I have a bachelor degree from China, but did not work as a engine ...

I d say nothing is too late.
However, it depends on what is your plan for life.  It d be more reasonable to see a mid-aged woman focusing on familiy rather than a major career change, espescially changing from commerce to engineering.  If you are very career driven and want to make a sound in engineering industry, be prepared for at least another 9years (4yr BE + 5yr experience) which will get you a professional chartership.  It is only then you can be considered as an engineer.  3yrs technician can only get you on the route of becoming a technician while exception can happen but hard to come by.  Particularly for a mid-age woman, i dun see it as a wise move.
end of the day, anything is possible and it has to be driven by your capability and attitude.
作者: 马甲开道    时间: 2013-3-28 10:06:12

本帖最后由 马甲开道 于 2013-3-28 10:14 编辑



作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-28 15:58:42

马甲开道 发表于 2013-3-28 10:06

我认识的这个年龄段的或 ...

Thanks. It is hard for me to find job in Accounting position now, as I need to start from scratch if I want to work in a CA firm, as my previous accounting experience in retail business is not recognized by CA firm, and there are almost 30000 accountants in NZ now, and many people still choose to study accounting.

I need to change, to make myself feel successful by way of doing things. I like solid knowledge, that is why I like civil engineering. I also want to study Nursing or Midwifery, just not sure which I should study.

Can I know the reason why middle aged people (male and female) hard to find job comparing to the young people graduated at same time?
1. Because they are old and just start to study civil engineering? or they have studied civil engineering in China, and study again in NZ?
2.Do the middle aged people  have any interview opportunity?
3.How about the scholarship? Is it easy to get?
4.After graduation, we have to hardly hunt for jobs or easy to find job?
5.How about study master after the bachelor of civil engineering?
作者: 马甲开道    时间: 2013-3-28 16:13:56

本帖最后由 马甲开道 于 2013-3-28 17:40 编辑
Jane16 发表于 2013-3-28 15:58
Thanks. It is hard for me to find job in Accounting position now, as I need to start from scratch  ...

1. 不知道啊,这要问用人公司了。但一般更喜欢培养年轻的吧,你说呢。 我认识那些是国内学过civil,甚至civil干了很久的在国内。 autocad那个叔叔是这里的经验。还有其他人是国内干过机电工程的等等。

2. 面试机会均等。


4.毕业后要很努力的找,工作不多,according to SEEK。


楼上有人说,capability & attitude, 如果人很牛,那我说的这些都不用做参考啦。


作者: jhuang    时间: 2013-3-28 22:37:31

have u  considered land surveying , good prospective and pay...lots hard works though..
作者: KennyLarmu    时间: 2013-3-28 23:18:44

作者: shixiawg    时间: 2013-3-29 11:09:36

First thing first: English.
作者: shixiawg    时间: 2013-3-29 11:23:16

And engineering isn't easy. I wish you have done your homework before asking here.
'Solid knowledge' I assume you mean theory. Then engineering isn't for you. Engineering is indeed very practical. A degree in science usually focus on theory. Engineering is about making things happen or building thins.
With your 9 years 'experience', you should have a better shot looking for an accounting related job. Forget about ca firms if you aren't up to it. Look elsewhere, i.e lower your expectation.
My words aren't the nicest here but someone has to be crude and realistic about it.
作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-29 12:43:44

shixiawg 发表于 2013-3-29 11:23
And engineering isn't easy. I wish you have done your homework before asking here.
'Solid knowledg ...

Thanks. There are 30000 accountants in NZ already, there are more people still start studying it. There will be no future in that industry. There are many KIWIs, who have no qualification, not really understand accounting, are doing Accounts Payable/Receivable work. and KIWI company prefer KIWI with no qualification than foreigner with qualification and experience. Onlly CA firm slighly welcome experienced Foreigners graduate, but my experience does not count. (In old days non-experienced foreigner graduate cann find job in CA firm and commericial industries).  I have to move, it is better to move now. I am choosing options for moving, I will not stay there and wait for nothing.
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2013-3-29 12:47:30

Jane16 发表于 2013-3-29 12:43
Thanks. There are 30000 accountants in NZ already, there are more people still start studying it.  ...

CPEng 才兩千人不到。。。全國。
作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-29 12:56:23

Jane16 发表于 2013-3-29 12:43
Thanks. There are 30000 accountants in NZ already, there are more people still start studying it.  ...

I like Civil engineering, as it is hard for most KIWI people, only people absolutely understand it can do the work, not like accounting, many people are doing it without understanding, as cost-benefit purposes, errors are tollerable, so not solid knowledge, in grey area. I know many people earning huge money without even understanding debits and credits. As you communcicate with people who did not understand anything about accounting, they will not be able to decide who is better, usually who is good at broasting up can get the job and be promoted, but that person will make loss for the employer, but very slowly, employer cannot notice straightly, but that kind people will not able to and be brave enogh to study Civil Engineering.  Solid knowledge to me is natural science, theory or practical, but not social science.
作者: blindee    时间: 2013-3-29 13:11:04

Jane16 发表于 2013-3-29 12:56
I like Civil engineering, as it is hard for most KIWI people, only people absolutely understand it ...

tell you what, engineering is no different if you were on about people pumping up themselves.
作者: 阿海    时间: 2013-3-29 13:31:17

Jane16 发表于 2013-3-29 12:56
I like Civil engineering, as it is hard for most KIWI people, only people absolutely understand it ...

作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-29 13:33:31

阿海 发表于 2013-3-29 13:31

Thanks. I will not waste it, I still do it and will keep doing it even after I have started studying sth else.
作者: occc    时间: 2013-3-29 13:47:58

KennyLarmu 发表于 2013-3-28 23:18
我大多unitec同學都在各consultancy做engineer啦。一個都拿CPeng了。所以unitec還是可以的。但最近graduate ...

...cpeng对学历的要求是washington accord认可的,新西兰只有奥大和坎大提供的四年学历才行。。。unitec的学历最多是sydney accord,要拿CPENG只有UNITEC肯定的不行
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2013-3-29 14:49:59

其實每一學科都有solid 和工作中不學無術的人又步步高陞的人和事 樓主是不是對土木工程有點太浪漫理想化了?再說 為什麼非civil engineering 不可?其他方面的工程不也solid嗎?
作者: shixiawg    时间: 2013-3-29 14:52:18

2,social science非常的重要。雇主宁可要容易融入team的人,也不要持才自傲的人。因为很难相处。做什么行业也都要与人相处。能相处好也是本事。这是从EQ的角度讲。
请记住雇主看重的素质里面,所有行业排第一的都是communication。是communication不是English。there is a difference.
作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-29 15:14:26

shixiawg 发表于 2013-3-29 14:52
1,我虽然不是civil,但也是be(honour) ...

Thanks. Social science is important, communication does not mean English, they are the essentail skills for any job anywhere in the world. But it cannot be a solid profession. I like tg choose Civil Engineering as I like it as well. There are many other natural sciences which contribute to the Human Being as well, but I am not interested. I know this one is a extremely hard job, especially for my age, for woman. Traditionally, this is a young man's job. If I were a young man, I would not have asked anybody, straight way go ahead.
作者: 妖精的指尖    时间: 2013-3-29 15:58:21

冒昧问下楼主什么年龄?再去读书4年再出来跟20岁出头的毕业生争机会我觉得会难点?说真的大学4年学的东西我几乎都没用上全是后来工作中学的,除非是结构地质方面的或许,不过我比较讨厌这两块虽然修了不少这两方面的paper。再去上学读本科很费时间精力的啊,不考虑研究生?没有本地学历也就两年而已。本地学历就是个敲门砖,真的不要奢望你学到多少有用有用以后能用得到的solid knowledge
作者: Jane16    时间: 2013-3-29 16:07:22

妖精的指尖 发表于 2013-3-29 15:58
冒昧问下楼主什么年龄?再去读书4年再出来跟20岁出头的毕业生争机会我觉得会难点?说真的大学4年学的东西我 ...

Thanks. For my age, I should stay home and do nothing? Everybody grows from young to old, no exceptions. Human only have good age for 10 years 20-30? After that, what to do? As I am bored for doing accointing for 9 years, I need refresh. Life long learning is what KIWI society encourage people do.
作者: mwe23    时间: 2013-3-29 17:35:37

作者: 妖精的指尖    时间: 2013-3-29 20:55:29

作者: sam2006    时间: 2013-3-29 21:16:58

本帖最后由 sam2006 于 2013-3-29 21:17 编辑


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