我想问问各位的意见。 I have been offered a call center job.
Good environment
Valuable training and experience
Great company culture
12 months contract
less than 40000 pay
And I am worried about hearing damage
What do you think? I need some hear others' thoughts before I accept the offer or not.作者: mrlotusbun 时间: 2013-3-25 12:37:35
Janurary 发表于 2013-3-25 12:28
我想问问各位的意见。 I have been offered a call center job.
Good environment
I have 1 year worth of experience working at a call centre of doing customer service work many years ago. On average, I had about 250 calls per day excluding any e-mail I receive.
One person cannot do this job alone forever in my opinion. You must listen to many complaints throughout the day, it mentally strains you.
I also think 40000 is quite acceptable for this kind of job.作者: cynoshello 时间: 2013-3-25 22:51:56
in terms of career path, do you know what you are interested in at the moment? What you want to do for a career or still searching?
if you are still trying to work it out, you should just take the job first, $$$ aside, it gives you the valuable experience that will be helpful for seeking your next role. As all employers look for some sort of experience.
Be open minded as you may discover that industry is interesting and you want to continue on or may be it's not for you and you want to look for something else but at least there will be good progress.
People (those that want to move up) usually last around a year or two in a call center role, it is your job to upskill yourself during the year and work towards what you want to do next. You will need to arm yourself with skills and knowledge that enable your employer/potential employers to distinguish you from the rest of the employees/candidates.
I worked on an ISP helpdesk for 18 months quite a few years back. Hope this help. :)
And also, my hearing is just fine. :)作者: zhangjie1201 时间: 2013-3-26 11:25:23