Today i went to Sylvia park spec saver store.. I never write any negative things regarding stores but today was just pathetic! All i wanted was too see my optometrist regarding my contact lence prescription and after care.. when i said i need an appointment and i have done the trial and everything, she replied saying no you'll have to do the trial again and after care again when i have already done all that! when i said can you please just give me an appointment because i need to discuss with my optometrists " she said i have to pay again for that! what the hell ! really !? when i have already paid for my checkup already ?! and that lady has no patience at all .. and she was very GRUMPY ! i think her names JOTI . Thanks bye !
Who do you write to with a Complaint about being given the wrong prescription and all the nasty side effects it has caused health wise? I went back to my local Specsavers 13 times to get them "adjusted" They never did. They gave me the wrong prescription. They were over magnified by quite alot. I suffered headaches, eye ache (especially over the right eye from day one), dizziness, nausea, vomiting, distorted vision and severe migraines which led to severe dehydration and a hospital stay. I went and got a second opinion at a different Optometrists and found my prescription was 100% WRONG. I now have new glasses from my new Optometrist and have had NO headache symptoms, nausea, dizziness etc with the new ones from day one. I'm still waiting for an apology from the Lower Hutt store for all I have been through, but I don't think I am going to get one anytime soon..... Gordon Harcourt from Fair Go is interested in my story, so it remains to be seen if I get an apology before I talk to him.
又有人去FAIRGO 投诉他们了。挺多阿。作者: 会计 时间: 2013-3-23 12:35:35