Gillies Ave badminton court, sunday 2pm to 4pm. A kiwi host, named Andy. Welcome join our social badminton. 5 dollars includes shuttles, i believe first time, its free to see if you like it or not.作者: m2u 时间: 2013-3-2 21:56:31
michaellin70 发表于 2013-3-2 19:43
Gillies Ave badminton court, sunday 2pm to 4pm. A kiwi host, named Andy. Welcome join our social bad ...
also sunday night 7pm to 9pm. Malaysian Chinese host. His name is Danny.作者: m2u 时间: 2013-3-3 09:24:18
Thanks for ur information, I would like to know more details such as do I need to bring a partner or how much it is charged etc. can anyone leave a contact ?作者: 晓晴 时间: 2013-3-6 12:44:15
爱国爱港 发表于 2013-3-3 00:14
also sunday night 7pm to 9pm. Malaysian Chinese host. His name is Danny.