open 工签快要到期了,准备申请2年的working visa。
学的是diploma in shipping and freight, Level 5.
现在在一家进出口报关公司做customs broker。
但是在移民局的skilled list 上面找不到相关的title。
There are no specific entry requirements to become a freight broker. However, most employers prefer candidates who have a qualification recognised by Tranzqual, such as a National Certificate in Distribution.
Customs broker
To operate as a customs broker you need to be able to lodge documentation with New Zealand Customs, which requires a New Zealand Customs Unique User Identifier (UUI), commonly known as a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
To gain PIN accreditation, you need to achieve at least an 80% pass in three exams run by the Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation of New Zealand (CBAFF). The CBAFF run three courses to prepare applicants for the exams.
Customs/freight brokers usually earn
per year作者: Bella.upa 时间: 2013-2-19 10:39:48