
标题: 请问持有学习驾照独自上路被警察抓了怎么办(已经回答) [打印本页]

作者: QJY8999    时间: 2013-1-17 00:33:19     标题: 请问持有学习驾照独自上路被警察抓了怎么办(已经回答)

本帖最后由 AMICUS_LAW 于 2013-1-17 11:34 编辑

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]请问留学生持有学习驾照独自上路被警察抓了怎么办 会不会上法庭??
作者: kiwilo99    时间: 2013-1-17 07:06:50

no, $100 ticket for Learner unaccompany by supervisor and another $100 for no L plate....if you didnt put it on.
作者: AMICUS_LAW    时间: 2013-1-17 11:33:14

What are the conditions of a learner licence?
•You must have your learner licence with you whenever you are driving.
•You must not drive on your own. You must always be accompanied by a supervisor, who must always sit in the front passenger seat beside you.
•If you are learning to ride a moped, you must not ride it between 10pm and 5am and you must not carry passengers.
•You must display L (learner) plates on the vehicle at all times when you are driving. Failure to display L plates could result in 25 demerit points and a fine of $100.
•There's no law stopping you from carrying passengers in your car. However, if you do, your supervisor (who will, of course, be seated next to you in the vehicle) must agree to this. The supervisor is responsible for everyone in the vehicle and for what happens when you're driving.
•There is a zero alcohol limit if you are under 20. That means if you drive after consuming even one drink you can be charged with drink driving. If you have an alcohol level of less than 150 micrograms per litre of breath and less than 30 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood you could be fined and given 50 demerit points. If your alcohol limit is higher, you could be disqualified from driving, given 50 demerit points and either fined or imprisoned.
If you're 20 or older, the legal alcohol limit is 400 micrograms per litre of breath or 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood.
•Breaching the learner conditions of your driver licence (other than failing to display L plates) could result in you receiving 35 demerit points and a fine of $100. If you breach any other conditions of your driver licence you could receive 25 demerit points and be subject to a fine of $400.
作者: QJY8999    时间: 2013-1-17 18:34:30

AMICUS_LAW 发表于 2013-1-17 10:33
What are the conditions of a learner licence?
•You must have your learner licence with you wh ...

。。。谢谢 有中文板的嘛。。。
作者: susie77    时间: 2013-1-18 11:47:40

kiwilo99 发表于 2013-1-17 07:06
no, $100 ticket for Learner unaccompany by supervisor and another $100 for no L plate....if you didn ...

不止吧,$400 for learner not accompanied by supervisor.
作者: susie77    时间: 2013-1-18 12:07:35

QJY8999 发表于 2013-1-17 18:34
。。。谢谢 有中文板的嘛。。。

1. 任何时候都要带上你的驾照(驾照就是你的ID了,所以得随身带着,特别是开车的时候)。

2. 不能独自驾驶,必须副驾驶上有一个supervisor. (而且这个supervisor是要有2年以上的full licence).

3. 晚上10点到早晨5点不能带人(这条不是很明白)

4. 你是learner的话必须在车上(车的前后窗)贴上黄色L的标志,否则的话会被扣25分+100刀的罚款。

5. 你开车可以带人,但是必须你副驾驶上有supervisor,而且出了事的话是你的supervisor负责。

6. 如果你未满20岁,那你是完全不能够饮酒驾驶的(零容忍)。一旦被抓到是等同于酒驾的重罚:如果血液酒精浓度小于150mg/L 或者小于40mg/100mL 的会被扣50分;如果超过这个浓度,就会被扣50分,取消驾照,罚款甚至坐牢。

7. 任何违反了learner驾照必须遵守的情况,都可能会被扣35分跟100刀的罚款。任何违反了你的驾照上必须遵守的情况都可能会被扣25分跟400刀的罚款。

作者: AMICUS_LAW    时间: 2013-1-18 12:45:53

susie77 发表于 2013-1-18 12:07
1. 任何时候都要带上你的驾照(驾照就是你的ID了,所以得随身带着,特别是开车的时候)。

2. 不能独自驾 ...

作者: susie77    时间: 2013-1-18 12:47:27

AMICUS_LAW 发表于 2013-1-18 12:45

作者: 殿殿    时间: 2013-1-21 18:12:07

susie77 发表于 2013-1-18 11:07
1. 任何时候都要带上你的驾照(驾照就是你的ID了,所以得随身带着,特别是开车的时候)。

2. 不能独自驾 ...

第3项 说的不是开车
作者: klwss    时间: 2013-1-22 16:11:32

作者: QJY8999    时间: 2013-1-22 23:39:16

susie77 发表于 2013-1-18 11:07
1. 任何时候都要带上你的驾照(驾照就是你的ID了,所以得随身带着,特别是开车的时候)。

2. 不能独自驾 ...


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