Taf Toys 4 Seasons Mat - Suitable from 0 months+ 。。。。。原价$90刀。。。现在卖$40刀。。。就配套的几个rattles玩得比较多。。。。毯子我到儿子4个月了才想起来拿出来用。。。成色非常新。。。。包装也都在。。。。
This 4 Seasons Mat can be used in two different stages:
Stage 1: (0-3months)
- Designed with extra attention to newborn development
- Raised illustrated book alike side panels
Stage 2: (3months+)
- Big Play Mat measures (100x100cm)
- 3 flaps for hide and seek games
- 3 detachable activities: baby-safe mirrors, rattling ball and a clear ball rattle作者: sleeping 时间: 2012-12-17 13:24:43