Is that all the guys perfer girls wear make-ups?
"不是a must "is only my personal opinion la. Maybe most ppl think it is a must.
From where I worked , not many females wear make-up.
I don't really like make ups, waste of time ,money & a lot chemicals. Sometimes really not so good for the skin.作者: adsl2 时间: 2012-10-9 11:53:01
无过 发表于 2012-10-9 08:16
那中文表达“促销截至/截止到周一”有什么区别吗?我以前是一直认为截止周一是不包括周一在内的而截至是包括的;现在要买东西 网上说ends on Monday 就在周日在网上order了 结果周一打电话问还是促销价 现在我要整整晚两天才能拿到东西 郁闷