谢谢您的回复,现在申请三年往返也必须交到签证中心?? 而不是直接交到北京移民处是吗? 另外那个签证中心上面的审核清单里有写:MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS健康要求
You must provide a completed General Medical Certificate
(INZ 1007) unless you have provided a Medical
Certificate to INZ within the 36 months preceding your
application, and
a completed Chest X-ray Certificate (INZ 1096)
Please note that a chest x-ray certificate is NOT required
you have provided a Chest X –ray Certificate to
INZ within the 36 months preceding this
application, and
you have not spent the previous six consecutive
months in China, Hong Kong or another country
that is not a low-incidence country for tuberculosis