MP Jian Yang owns an uninsulated weatherboard house in Jolson Rd, Mt Wellington. Tenant Joshua Tuitupou said the MP had asked him to get a Community Services Card to get a bigger Government subsidy to insulate the house.
If the tenant has a Community Services Card, the landlord can claim a subsidy of up to $2500 to insulate the house; without the card, the maximum subsidy is $1300.
Tuitupou said he had been living there 11 years: it was cold in winter and there was no insulation under the floor or in the ceiling. He'd spoken to Yang about insulation. "He told me it's quite expensive."
you guys are rich people.作者: 人物 时间: 2012-9-10 12:47:51
If the tenant has a Community Services Card, the landlord can claim a subsidy of up to $2500 to insulate the house; without the card, the maximum subsidy is $1300.