尤其针对房地产的买卖,利用信托转移私人收入(继PENNY COOPER 的结案之后)等,税务局将采取用相同行业的平均盈利状况作为衡量标准,对于低于同业平均指数的公司和企业进行排查,一般会一电话的形式先询问其原因。如果有类似的情况发生,建议先不要作任何回答,应该和自己的会计沟通以后由会计和税务局的工作人员沟通。
Fair warning from the IRD
Inland Revenue has issued its annual Compliance Focus, outlining areas it intends to concentrate on.
They include:
* The misuse of charitable status, which confers various tax advantages. "We are working with the Charities Commission to identify charities and individuals whose activities warrant investigation."
* The diversion of personal income into trusts or companies to avoid paying full tax. The Supreme Court's Penny and Hooper ruling last year clarified the law.
* Property transactions. "Our focus remains on property speculators and dealers who have not declared income from property transactions or treated it as capital gain."
* Non-resident contractors, who have come to the fore with the Christchurch rebuild. New Zealand outfits which engage them have tax obligations.