From Downtown Auckland there are several ways to access Waitakere Ranges Regional Park.
Huia Rd 18km (25 min)
Signposted from Titirangi and leads to the southern region of the Waitakere Ranges including Cornwallis, Huia and Whatipu. From Little Huia take the 7km Whatipu Rd to Whatipu. (Caution: much of Whatipu Rd is gravel, winding and narrow).
Scenic Drive 28km (35min)
Extending from Titirangi to Swanson, Scenic Drive passes through the eastern fringe of the Waitakere Ranges.
Piha Rd 23km (30min)
From Scenic Drive, this road crosses the heartland of the Waitakere Ranges to Piha Beach. Road access to Karekare and Anawhata range off Piha Rd.
Te Henga/Bethells Beach 25km (35min)
Te Henga Road starts from Scenic Drive and joins Bethells Road to lead around the northern area of the Waitakere Ranges, including the popular Cascade Kauri area, ending on the West Coast at Te Henga.
Distance from Auckland CBD: 45 km作者: 越墮落。越快樂 时间: 2012-8-16 16:21:19
Waitakere Ranges
Waitakere Ranges Regional Park includes more than 16,000ha of native rainforest and coastline. Its 250km of walking and tramping tracks provide access to beaches, breathtaking vistas, spectacular rocky outcrops, streams, waterfalls and farms.
Places to visit in the Waitakere Ranges include:
Arataki Visitor Centre
Cascade Kauri
Te Henga/Bethells
There is plenty to do in the Waitakere Ranges - swimming, surfing, fishing, boat launching, horse riding, relaxing, or exploring the 250km of walking and tramping tracks.作者: 越墮落。越快樂 时间: 2012-8-16 16:25:22