I thought the rate increases capped at a maximum of 10 per cent per year (like mine). & According the council the average rates rise is 3.6 % this year.
BTW: Can we make complaints?作者: xuzf 时间: 2012-8-8 10:58:14
should make complaint...since big auckland united, all the council combine into one, government use this opportunity to weighted average all the rates. That's why you guys see all the rates go up so fast...to be honest, the rates can only go up, never goes down...so hard for the owner owing the property...i won't blame them to increase the rent...but when can we stop this nasty price increase war? God knows...作者: 无过 时间: 2012-8-8 11:08:01
其实10% CAP 是指AREA的AVERAGE,不是指跟你之前比差10%。比如你之前是1500的,但是你AREA 的AVERAGE是2000,那你就是最多可能涨到2200, 10%CAP ON 2000 not 1500。研究了下才搞懂的,因为我以前是3400的地税,这次降到2200了,因为AVERAGE是2400,降的CAP是5.6%,所以今年要付2300,明年继续降到2200作者: kei 时间: 2012-8-10 16:21:00