Hi, I am a physiotherapist working in Physio Absolute. You can make a booking with me if you want, my clinic is in Henderson. Phone 8364666. THx.作者: huangying1207 时间: 2012-7-31 09:46:13
Hi, forgot to say my name is Daisy, thanks!{:8_487:}作者: huangying1207 时间: 2012-7-31 10:40:14
Hi, I am a registered Physiotherapist in NZ, I am working in Physio Absolute Henderson. You are welcome to contact me if you have any accident related injury. As a physio, we do NOT need Doctor's referral to be able to get physio treatment. Physio can help you with ACC claims straight away as long as it is an accident identified.
My clinic is named Physio Absolute, I can speak Chinese with you if you prefer. My clinic number is 8364666, my name is Daisy Huang. You can also google our website : www.physioabsolute.co.nz to make an online booking. Our clinic do NOT have surcharge, It is FREE physio for ACC claims.作者: 收藏快乐126 时间: 2012-7-31 12:20:37