TOUR17 Taiwan Round Island 5Days 4 Nights CODE: 5A (SIC)
***** NEW ***** TOUR CODE 5A
5 Days/4 Nights Round Island Excursion by COACH all the way 全程交通以巴士
Hotel category: 4~5 stars
Departure on every MONDAY escorted with English speaking guide (每週一出發)
Minimum 2 pax for departure on Seat in Coach Basis
5A Day 1: Pick up at hotel in Taipei / Enbus for Nantou(南投) /
Mon Sun Moon Lake Tour(日月潭旅遊) / Wen Wu Temple(文武廟)/Tehua Village / Tse-En Pagoda (慈恩塔)/ Holy Monk Shrine(禪寺)
Hotel: The Richforest, SUN MOON LAKE
Day 2: Sun Moon Lake (文武廟)/ Tainan (台南市遊)City Tour Fort of Anping(安平古堡) Kozinga Shrine, and Chihkan Lou (赤坎樓) /Kaohsiung 高雄遊City Tour ( Spring &Autumn
Pavilion春秋閣, Love River愛河, and Lio Ho Night
Market 六合夜市
Hotel: Chinatrust, KAOHSIUNG
Day 3: Kaohsiung高雄 / Proceed to Kenting墾丁 / Maopitou貓鼻頭 / Oluanpi Light House鵝巒鼻燈塔 / Kenting Park墾丁公園 / Proceed To Taitung台東
Hotel: Formosan Naruwan , TAITUNG
Day 4: Taitung 台東/ East Coast 東海岸旅遊 Tour (Siaoyeliou,
Sansientai 三仙台, Stone Steps, Caves of the Eight
Immortals八仙洞 / Hualien 花蓮
Hotel: Chinatrust, HUALIEN City
Day 5: Hualien花蓮 / Enbus for Taroko Gorge Gateway太魯閣峽谷 / Eternal Spring Shrine / Swallow Caves 燕子口/Tunnel of Nine Turns 九曲洞/ Tienhsiang Lodge天祥祠 /Marble Factory大理石工廠 / Drive along scenic SU-HUA Highway蘇花公路回台北 back to Taipei around 7PM
** Hotel extension at Taipei City can be
arranged upon request.
Single Room extra: USD 153
**All inclusive
except lunch and dinner作者: 残淡 时间: 2012-7-25 14:45:38