房东扣押我们的2000刀押金 还要750清洁house费用 还要叫警察来赶走我朋友
法院判决书也下来了 但是没说怎么能够拿回钱
问department of house and building 他们说不是他们管的
想要请问大家知不知道要从哪个机构拿回钱?作者: jjochn 时间: 2012-5-20 03:08:02
When the other party has been ordered to pay money
The tribunal decision should set out clearly how much has to be paid, by when, and how the payment should be made.
It's up to the other party to pay you. If the decision is for payment by instalments, you can't demand it is paid in one amount. If a date for payment is included in the decision, you can't demand the money be paid immediately.
What you can do is encourage the other party to follow the order, and remind them of their obligations and what may happen if they don't pay.
If the other party doesn't obey the order
Disputes Tribunal decisions can't be enforced until the deadline in the decision has passed, or after 48 hours if no deadline is stated.
If the other party doesn't pay your options include:
asking a solicitor to act on your behalf - a formal letter from a solicitor spelling out the costs of enforcement action may be enough to make the person act
asking a debt collection agency to collect the debt on your behalf (they may charge a set fee or a percentage of the debt)
applying to the court for enforcement action.