Yes. When the signal strengh is less than acceptable value the freeview receiver or freeview built-in tv will have trouble finding all channels. The solution is that someone has to turn aerial to the correct possition to get best possible signal strengh. You can call me if you need help with that.作者: lizihang5888 时间: 2012-5-23 14:00:21
nzcy 发表于 2012-5-23 12:56
Yes. When the signal strengh is less than acceptable value the freeview receiver or freeview built ...
你说的很明白啦. 谢谢你的回复!作者: oyzjin 时间: 2012-5-24 13:57:05
换成VESTA 6300 HD terrstrial receiver,还是不行,楼顶有uhf天线,模拟天线,看到有一个两线合一的盒子。确认连接receiver的是两线合一后的线。