今天早上上班,一菲律宾同事说的第一句话是: seems our country gona have a war!
虽然心里想,真打起来怎么样都是输,回去也是炮灰,但是也只能说: 希望别发生
话说最近黄岩岛局势是挺紧张的!作者: TAO 时间: 2012-5-11 12:24:32
you should say " really? you know what? first, our embassy won't call on us to go back for the battle, as you know how big and strong my contry is, we won't be needed for that little battle. Second, we won't wait for our embassy to inform us, we will go back home without any hesitation if my country need us, dude. "作者: nzrover 时间: 2012-5-13 01:09:42