3月20日周二10-11am porirua—新西兰交规
3月29日周四5:30-7pm 惠灵顿—灾难应急讲座 【之后7点同一地点新中语协放映电影“霸王别姬”】
1. Are you new to New Zealand?
If so, you are invited to hear Mark Kairua, Porirua City Council Road Safety Co-ordinator, present information on 'What's different about driving in New Zealand.'
When: 10am to 11am, Tuesday 20th March
Where: Whitireia Community Polytechnic, Lecture Theatre One (to the right of Entrance One, off Wineera Drive)
There is no cost to attend.
For more information contact the Settlement Support co-ordinator on
237 3578 or email ssnz@pcc.govt.nz
2. Wellington City Council’s Emergency
Management Office (WEMO) will explain:
• the most common hazards facing the region
• easy ways to get prepared for an emergency
• how to become a civil defence volunteer
For more information and to register,
phone 803 8330 or email
5.30–7pm, Thursday 29 March
Korimako Room (Committee Room 2)
Wellington City Council offices
101 Wakefield Street
Light refreshments will be provided.
Spaces are limited – please register by
Tuesday 27 March.
3. 电影资讯在这
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