As what I said, for the past twenty years, the right and benefit of employees have deteriorated. After what happenem in poa, next time whenever the union from somewhere else tries to have a strike, the employer could choose to sack you. That really showed a bad example for the other unions and the employees force. No wonder we had occupy wall street in america. The rich gets rich and the poor gets poorer or remains poor, thanks to the whole systen and big enterprenuers and big invenstment bankers.作者: 萨米 时间: 2012-3-8 11:08:33
我的小小马甲 发表于 2012-3-8 11:05
As what I said, for the past twenty years, the right and benefit of employees have deteriorated. Aft ...
I think POA has enough patience for the union's action. The union leaders should have the baseline of leading such action. The fault belongs to those union leaders.作者: MaggieY 时间: 2012-3-8 12:04:53