
标题: 在校会计学生想找part time 问些蠢问题哈 [打印本页]

作者: 63141187    时间: 2012-3-3 15:22:58     标题: 在校会计学生想找part time 问些蠢问题哈

请问各位我一个毫无工作经验的学生 学签只能工作20小时 有没有必要去投CV给那些标明了公时在20小时以上 并且写明需要某某某经验的PT会计工作吗?
CV上除了成绩就是白板啊 困惑死了。。。。。
作者: 63141187    时间: 2012-3-3 19:45:46

详细说下我的情况吧 我是奥大会计加金融学生 第三年 成绩不值一提 GPA只有5分 现在在做pt的清洁 这也是我唯一的工作经验了
一直都在想毕业后如何找工作 在论坛里也转了很久了 就是想知道像我这样的在校生想在学习期间做一些相关工作 对着明显写明要求而自己无法达到的工作发CV是不是浪费时间 还是有那么一点点可能对方会考虑给我一个机会 毕竟seek之类的上面几乎没有不要求经验 最可恨的就是要求pr了。。。。
作者: 63141187    时间: 2012-3-3 19:56:24

作者: 63141187    时间: 2012-3-3 20:20:31

作者: glasszon    时间: 2012-3-4 22:05:24

If you are in your third year, you should be much more concerned about applying for graduate positions so you can have a job after you graduate. This is unless either money is a huge concern for you this year or you don't plan to stay in New Zealand after you graduate.

If I didn't remember wrong applications for big 4 grad positions have opened already, if you are going for CA then big 4 is by far the best choice.
作者: helen1022    时间: 2012-3-4 23:18:34

big 4现在好像也要求有pr,除非lz的成绩特别好。
作者: 柯南家的南柯    时间: 2012-3-5 12:16:47

If the recruitment requires over 20 hour labour, I don't think it is necessary to apply unless you are REALLY REALLY keen. Otherwise it is a waste of time.

You must at least have some part-time experience right. something like customer service? communication skills? If not, find some project you completed during study, and add things like 'eye for detail' 'ability to meet critical deadline''working independently'...

Accounting experience is crutial but if you cant find one now, at least try to find any part-time. I do feel I learnt a lot during my part-time work at uni.

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