什么都想要做,自己还懒着不去赚钱,政府给的补助如果节约点,差不多够活了。这女的汽车的费用也太高了吧。一年汽车+保险要$4667。比我汽车费用多了1300(WOF两次$80,路税大约290,保养200,邮费30每周,一年1560,保险700,额外未知费用500)我这都是往高了算的。是她自己太费了。还有什么Chrismas club 非去不可吗?一年600多啊。还有火车月票一年$3754, 你干毛坐火车啊,你不是有汽车开吗?汽车开销够大的了,还有火车。不干活,还这么浪费,还东跑西颠的。你不穷谁穷啊。
This is what I want to say, just from her terrible look - perhaps only the blinds may dont mind (not 'want') to fxxk/shag her....~作者: Grassheaven 时间: 2012-2-17 11:01:38
ETS 发表于 2012-2-17 09:58
DPB是什么?,管它是什么,反正都是benefit吧,我就操了,政府要涨地税 ...
Domestic Purpose Benefit... yes, its a type of benefit....作者: ETS 时间: 2012-2-17 11:04:58
Go live with her parents and save $280 a week, problem solved!!!
And who paid for the trips? The MP her self or the taxpayers?
"They live at Paerata to be near Catherine's father, who helps with some childcare, but child support from the children's fathers doesn't help Ms Wysocki because it is kept by Inland Revenue to offset the cost of her benefit.
...She then complained to Labour MP Jacinda Ardern and Green MP Jan Logie. Ms Logie travelled from Wellington to visit her on Tuesday and is paying for Ms Wysocki to fly to Wellington to talk to media today."作者: changzhou 时间: 2012-2-17 18:45:49