2012年年底之后才完成academic requirement的, 将不再考foundation,PCE1,PCE2,取而代之的是一个New CA Program,大概看了一下,一共是Four technical modules,每个120 hours of study per module over 12 weeks and an exam in week 13,同时One voluntary virtual workshop per module , Three assessments during each module (worth 20%)。这些都完成之后呢,是一个The capstone module, 140 hours of study over 14 weeks with an exam in week 17 (worth 60%),Two internal assessments as part of workshops two and three (worth a total of 40%)。
ERRR should be easier la..........
juz to clarify one point...NZICA wont compete with CPA la.......not even in the same level.....the main reason for change is for preparing the merger with Aus CA in the future.....作者: forwarding 时间: 2012-2-16 18:30:00
I am planning to enrol the PCE1, ( now is called the foundation) in May this year. Just now I read this announcement, thanks so much. It's a big shock and I feel that I may need to put this plan on hold because of this change in 2013. any suggestions my friends. many thanks.作者: \solO\ 时间: 2012-2-16 18:59:26
i think is harder too......once they lower the academic requirment....the exam must be harder.......since more people is sitting the exam.....................i guess..............作者: helen1022 时间: 2012-2-16 23:14:38
希望可以简单点作者: glasszon 时间: 2012-2-17 07:28:20
本帖最后由 glasszon 于 2012-2-17 07:49 编辑
I am really surprised people say the new exams will be easier, it will definitely NOT be easier and will become much harder.
First: Look at the self-study time required, the foundations requires 50 hours + PCE requires 120 hours of self-study time. Compared with the 5 exams where each requires 120 hours (except the last one which requires 140 hours) and you will quickly realise how difficult it will be to study about 600 hours total in 2-3 years while you are working full-time.
Second: Ask anyone who are doing the ICAA exams right now, they will tell you the pass rate for each exam is about 50-60%, which is a lot lower than the 80-90% pass rate for foundations.作者: 震惊啦 时间: 2012-2-17 07:46:21
新旧政策同时实行5年作者: 美金 时间: 2012-2-17 20:17:15
跟mentor谈过这个,显然NZICA想跟AU的CA靠拢,虽然只要求3年的大学学习,但是却要求你做4个moudles, 就是变相的第四年,要知道, 现在的第四年是可以在unitec, open poly, mit, au, aut,massey,等等中,选择适合自己的学校.但是新政策你是没有选择的,由ABLE统一提供.
Q: Have any of the existing pre-requisites been changed as a result of the move to the new Program?
A: Yes. Students must still complete their practical experience but NZICA will no longer require the practical experience prerequisite of one year GPE before Foundations.
就是说,你一毕业就要马上找ATO,现在有多少童鞋是一毕业就可以找到ATO的? 现在在job market上面已经有人籍着自己是CA FIRM就欺负那些毕业生了,要是新政策了,不知道ATO的公司会牛成怎么样了?作者: ccccccc 时间: 2012-2-17 20:33:17