我的一位朋友是kiwi 去中国教书,他就是需要买往返的,11月27号正好满一年27号机票飞回奥克兰,2周后再办一年签证飞回中国教书,他说不回来也可以在香港办续签,但浪费了机票,还是回来看看了。作者: lin 时间: 2011-12-7 09:48:15
Air New Zealand recommend that you hold a return ticket when you arrive to check in at the Airport. If you fail to present your return ticket or sufficient documentation stating that this is not a requirement you may be asked to purchase a return ticket at the Airport before you are permitted to check in.
If passengers are permitted to travel to a country without sufficient visas and documentation the Airline is liable for transporting them back to their own country and face potential fines.
I hope this information is helpful.
Kind regards,
Air New Zealand Online Support