
标题: 请教关于旅游保险(已经回答) [打印本页]

作者: 萨米    时间: 2011-11-16 21:50:41     标题: 请教关于旅游保险(已经回答)

本帖最后由 AMICUS_LAW 于 2011-11-21 01:11 编辑


保险的terms and conditions是

This policy is issued by QBE Insurance (International) Limited (QBE).

The policy covers you from the time you buy it until the end of the last flight in this booking. It also covers children on child-fare tickets travelling with you on this booking. If you are not happy with this policy and no claim has been made, you can return it to us for a full refund at any time within 14 days of buying it and before your trip begins.
What the policy coversUnforeseen events beyond your control
QBE will refund your costs due to an unforeseen event beyond your control.
If this happens:
Accidental loss, theft or damage to your checked baggage
In addition to Air New Zealand's checked baggage compensation of up to $1,500, QBE will pay you an additional amount up to a maximum of $1,500 for any accidental loss, theft or damage to your baggage whilst checked with Air New Zealand for a flight on this booking. Baggage items are covered to their current market value.
You must report the loss, theft, or damage to your checked baggage within 24 hours of reaching your final New Zealand destination. You must tell us about any payment Air New Zealand has already made to you in connection with your baggage on this trip.
What the policy does not coverQBE will not pay any costs that relate to:

情况发生了,我回来的时候,天气发生变化,航班取消,改成第2天。我只能多待了一天。我觉得我可以去保险公司claim我多住一晚的费用。我填了claim form,和收据什么的。但是保险公司不受理我的claim。原因是

我买的是单程机票和单程保险,他们说我这次trip是one way ticket,不是return trip。这个航班问题属于
before your trip begins - QBE will refund the cost of cancelling your travel, accommodation and Air New Zealand Holidays package arrangements to a maximum of $2,000.

不属于after trip,所以尽管航班延期了也不能给我理赔。

我觉得我不该接收这个结果。因为在他们的wording里面没有说明我一定要买2 way ticket才能证明我这个是after your trip begins 的情况。


作者: AMICUS_LAW    时间: 2011-11-21 01:10:06

本帖最后由 AMICUS_LAW 于 2011-11-21 01:10 编辑

您好,仔细看了一下policy 的章程,我们认为one way ticket 还是 return ticket 并不影响claim of an unforeseen event beyond your control.

就是说,如果天气变化造成航班延误,对方需要支付你过夜的旅费。除非terms and conditions 有特殊定义气候改变航班不属于an unforeseen event.

QBE 好像不是Insurance Ombudsman Scheme 的成员,所以您需要去disputes tribunal 向对方索赔了。
作者: 萨米    时间: 2011-11-22 15:06:48


there is one rule here
What the policy does not coverQBE will not pay any costs that relate to:
*accommodation if you did not have prepaid accommodation for your trip (except when your travel booking is a return trip on the same day)

They said because my additional accomodation is not pre-paid(certain thing). If i had booked a hotel in auckland on the night after that night but I coundn't make it, they would pay me. But you know, we were coming home, we never pre-paid for our home!
作者: startagain    时间: 2011-11-22 21:48:41

如果我的理解没错的话,你的住宿费用并不是在目的地或者中转时产生的,而是由于weather disruption,没能成行产生的。我觉得保险公司在玩儿文字游戏。Accommodation 那一条对你不适用。但是其中有一条写明except costs you pay due to a weather disruption。 我认为你的费用正是因为weather disruption 引起的,所以保险公司应当予以赔偿。

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