Try to get the up-to-date driver from official ACER site for your Motherboard chip and etc.
Try to get the up-to-date driver from official Nvidia or AMD site for your Graphic card.
If still no luck should be something to do with the Hardware, then you will need to find a shop to fix it.
Hope that helps.作者: 飘云雨 时间: 2011-10-27 15:02:52
Have you updated your Motherboard and Graphic card driver?
Connect your external monitor and boot up.
There should be a setting for dual screen from your graphic card setting
The main screen might be disabled from graphic card setting under windows.
Hope that helps.作者: 出前一丁 时间: 2011-11-1 21:03:12
在接外接显示器开机按F2进入bois系统我不知道按了那个键(英文不懂)红色字母记得大概是这样的detected yet ......although the test may....appear inactive.....until complete .....automalically restart...电脑自己自动检测有两项从1 of 2 然后从1%到100%之后2 of 2 1%到100%然后电脑自己自动重新启动.这回两个都能正常包括笔记本本身的显示器和外接显示器都能正常显示了.