Under the Residential Tenancies Act (the Act) for tenancies that started after 1 October 2010 the tenant is responsible for all outgoings that are exclusively attributable to their occupation of the premises.
This means that the tenant is responsible for paying for charges such as electricity, gas, telephone and water supply, if they are charged on the basis of consumption. Costs that are charged regardless of whether there are tenants living in the premises are the responsibility of the landlord.
The current waste water charges charged by Manukau Water (which remain in effect until 30 June 2011) are based on an annual rate, and are charged on a daily basis. As waste water is not charged on a consumption or metered basis, it may be considered the landlord’s responsibility.
On 1 July 2011 Manukau Water will be incorporated into Watercare. Watercare will continue the same methods of charging for water and waste water in the Manukau area (but will apply a 4.5% increase to the prices formerly charged by Manukau Water). As waste water will continue to be charged on a daily basis rather than on a consumption or metered basis, it may continue to be considered the landlord’s responsibility.作者: BLUEMOON88 时间: 2011-10-13 09:25:52