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本帖最后由 MyLittleSky 于 2011-10-10 10:57 编辑
总是看到这类帖子, 忍不住发个贴.
大家都明白如果夫妻有新西兰PR, 小孩出生就会拥有新西兰国籍.
而在新西兰生活, 持有PR或者国籍是基本没有区别的, 为了回国方便, 小孩如果能拿到中国护照+新西兰PR多好, 但是这是不可能的, 因为违法新西兰法律.
首先, 中国大使馆根据中国国籍法会给没有新西兰国籍的中国血统儿童中国护照, 即如果你能出示孩子没有新西兰国籍的证明文件, 大使馆愿意给孩子中国护照. 但是出生自动拥有新西兰国籍的小孩的新西兰国籍是无法由其父母放弃的.
参看内务部的放弃新西兰国籍的法律解释文件 Renunciation of New Zealand Citizenship: http://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.nsf/Files/Citpol13RenunciationofNZCit/$file/Citpol13RenunciationofNZCit.pdf
Citizenship Act 1977, Section 15 Renunciation of citizenship
Citizenship Regulations 2002, Regulation 8 Declarations of renunciation of citizenship
A person can only renounce his/her New Zealand citizenship if he/she fulfils all of the following criteria: 一个人只有在满足所有下列条件时才能放弃新西兰国籍
- He/she is 18 years old or over 年满18岁
- He/she is of full capacity 能自理
- He/she has the citizenship of at least one other foreign country at the time of applying for renunciation of New Zealand citizenship 在申请放弃新西兰国籍时, 已拥有至少一个外国国籍
对于年龄方面, 还有更详细的解释:
Age of declarant
Only a person who has attained the age of 18 years can renounce New Zealand citizenship. Acceptable evidence of the declarant’s age is a full birth certificate from the country of birth.
If the declarant is under 18 years old, he or she cannot renounce citizenship and must be informed in writing. There are no refunds.
Parents or guardians cannot approve renunciation on behalf of a person under 18 years of age
如果申请人小于18岁, 他/她不能放弃新西兰国籍, 并且会被书面通知, 且不会退款.
父母或者监护人无权同意18岁以下的人放弃新西兰国籍. |