In terms of Council requirements/land use, at a residential home, you need to make sure your production does NOT create any objectionable smoke or smell or vibration or noise which cause nusiance to your neighbours (they will complain if so), and you cannot sell them directly at your place (as a takeaway/retail) OR make your home as a restaurant. Traffic that generated for the delivery should be also kept to minimial.
You may put up a small sign but it must not be larger or more than what is alllowed.
You normally cannot employ more than 1 full time person from OUTSIDE of the house to help you.
Otherwise, you will need to apply for a Resource Consent/ Bylaw Dispensation (for sign) which will very likely require your neighbour(s) to approve/sign or Council can ask you to shut the business down.
You will also need to apply for a Food Hygiene License/Certificate and for any alteration to your kitchen, a Building Consent. Go to Council to ask for details instead of asking here.作者: G 时间: 2011-9-22 17:38:52
超级麻烦,基本上搞不到,作者: 无过 时间: 2011-9-22 17:47:42
city council 找Environmental Health Officer问吧....作者: 无过 时间: 2011-9-22 17:48:27