
标题: BSB Code??? [打印本页]

作者: limingkof2001    时间: 2011-8-23 19:43:38     标题: BSB Code???

我是BNZ的,要接收ANZ的一个网上银行的打款,可是要我提供BSB Code,发邮件问BNZ说只有SWIFT code,怎么办?谁知道呢,不给的话就取消了
作者: lzh47    时间: 2011-8-23 19:48:55

ANZ 到 BNZ 要 BSB number????这还是第一次听说嘿!!
作者: lzh47    时间: 2011-8-23 19:50:03

根据 BNZ 网站上的介绍:

BSB number: This unique number identifies both the bank and the branch of a particular account holder, primarily used in Australia.
作者: lzh47    时间: 2011-8-23 19:56:14

作者: lzh47    时间: 2011-8-23 20:02:47

根据 ANZ 银行的描述,网址如下:
http://www.anz.co.nz/internet-ba ... one/payee-list/add/
点击Step 2
Step 2 - Enter the payee account details

    BSB number: this will be a 6 digit number. Do not include any spaces or dashes.
    Account number: will be a maximum of 9 digits.
    Account name: this may be used by some financial institution to correctly identify the account when making payments.

You must ensure this information is correct as errors in BSB or account numbers will result in unsuccessful payments or the wrong payee receiving funds.

你就会发现,所谓的BSB number其实就是账号的前6位数,account number是指账号的后9位数

BSB number 010797 是指 ANZ银行在Colombo St 和 Hereford St 交界的那个分行
BSB number 123401 是指 ASB银行在Riccarton Mall里面的那个分行
作者: lzh47    时间: 2011-8-23 20:06:27


01 是 ANZ
02 是 BNZ
03 是 Westpac
06 是National Bank
12 是 ASB
38 是Kiwibank
作者: lzh47    时间: 2011-8-23 20:11:29


Bank State Branch
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Bank State Branch identifying code (often abbreviated and used in conversation as BSB ) is a six digit numerical code used within Australia that identifies an individual branch of a financial institution. The Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) is the regulatory body of the BSB numbers in Australia.

An almost identical system is used in New Zealand, with a six digit numerical BSB code, often split into a two-digit "Bank" code and a four-digit "Branch" code. However, the New Zealand and Australian systems are incompatible.
作者: xli422    时间: 2011-8-23 20:12:23

回答的真详细 我很想给你加分 还是留给楼主来把
作者: MaxPower    时间: 2011-8-23 22:14:05

作者: 烧香的熊猫    时间: 2011-8-23 22:25:16

作者: lzh47    时间: 2011-8-23 22:36:18

MaxPower 发表于 2011-8-23 21:14

作者: limingkof2001    时间: 2011-8-24 01:43:05

7# lzh47


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