日期2011-8-16 时间 15:22 Hi this is tara
日期2011-8-19 时间 23:18 Hi its tara, we going 2 police station now in hamilton
日期2011-8-21 时间 17:29 Were just back in coverage and were just over an hour away
日期2011-8-22 时间 19:47 Hi, zane and cats are all good :-) they have had dinner and are relaxing by the fire :-) zane is getting lots of extra pats and attention! :-) hope you're having a great time! :-) 之前一直都没回复我想是发错了,但收到这条信息后我就用中文回复了: 你发信息发错了。 然后收到回复如下:
日期2011-8-22 时间 19:57 Haha that was in chinese, im good, but not good enough 2 read that! :-D have a great nite :-) 不知是不是网络出错了。 作者: 假装多好 时间: 2011-8-23 00:25:42
你为啥不用因为发给她告诉她发错了?作者: 唯一小AN 时间: 2011-8-23 01:14:15
装作看不到就可以了。。。。作者: jamson 时间: 2011-8-23 16:09:33
要不你回复, wrong No 。作者: MirrorMirror 时间: 2011-8-23 16:32:07