行人从bus群中跑过 自行车在bus旁边飞奔 都被bus挡住看不到对方
结果就是bang bang
假装多好 发表于 2011-8-16 09:45
i think the motorist takes the responsibility.......
he is not driving safe to make sure he can be seen.
love_3_month 发表于 2011-8-16 10:13
But if the motorcycle is not overtaking, say if he is at the right lane, the car-driver's view is still blocked by all the car at the left lane, then the responsibility is the car-driver or still ...
victordd 发表于 2011-8-16 10:28
But if the motorcycle is not overtaking, say if he is at the right lane, the car-driver's view is still blocked by all the car at the left lane, then the responsibility is the car-driver or still ...
victordd 发表于 2011-8-16 10:28
那如果是换成晚上, 摩托车换成汽车, 没开大灯, 导致被转弯车撞上, 也是这样的逻辑吗? 一方fail to give way, 一方 被罚?
love_3_month 发表于 2011-8-16 10:49
我们前两个月遇到相似的情况,我觉得是摩托车的问题,或者是路况问题。那次我们去ponsonby朋友家,在一条很窄的马路上,路还很陡,一头不远的地方还是个三岔路口,车流量比较多,比较容易擦到车,所以车辆来往都开的 ...
新马甸甸 发表于 2011-8-16 11:08
我们前两个月遇到相似的情况,我觉得是摩托车的问题,或者是路况问题。那次我们去ponsonby朋友家,在一条很窄的马路上,路还很陡,一头不远的地方还是个三岔路口,车流量比较多,比较容易擦到车,所以车辆来往都开的 ...
新马甸甸 发表于 2011-8-16 11:08
1,你们这些车当时遇到红灯,路规上规定是无条件地给其他车辆让道,你们两辆车给路口空出来,你们做的是对的,同时也说明是在给路口的车辆让行。摩托车也应该排队等候红灯转绿,不应该插队抢行 ...
tigersage 发表于 2011-8-16 14:08
tat's rgt.
Both drivers (riders) are responsible for repairing their own transportation.
ACC will cover injury. Everybody is happy, hooray........
MR2(SW20) 发表于 2011-8-16 14:52
绿车fail to give way。
红摩illegal over taking.
然後: 红摩撞绿车, 红摩要负责
应为公平的条件下, 谁撞了就是谁的错.
这个case里, 主要是要证明红摩的那个是"illegal over ...
快乐的猴子 发表于 2011-8-16 13:54
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