刚刚收到Fujitsu的电话,要我周五去面试。现在感觉有点小紧张,因为刚刚给我的邮件里面说 I will ask you to sit a written technical test on topics that an IT Service Desk Analyst might be expected to know, and will then take the opportunity to meet with you briefly one-on-one。不知道面试官会给我们一些什么样的问题和test。
希望有过在fujitsu上班经验的同学能指导一下。万分感谢。 作者: 呵呵 时间: 2011-7-27 16:27:44
赶紧上网搜IT Service Desk Analyst的面试题作者: 无过 时间: 2011-7-27 16:28:54
IT Service Desk Analyst干什么就找哪方面的资料咯作者: 萨米 时间: 2011-7-27 16:31:15
back fish works there作者: asasu 时间: 2011-7-27 16:32:41
IT Service Desk Analyst
我覺得 應該不會太難
可能都是考些 common sense 的東西
因為我覺得 做這個Pos 最主要都是英語和電腦智識
i am guessing it will be Microsoft and basic networking focus (i.e. basic knowledge about Microsoft desktop and servers, microsoft office, basic internet related knowledge e.g. browsing, emailing etc).