How Penalty Fares Work
Tagging on and tagging off allows the system to record your journey and calculate the best fare.
If you fail to tag off, then the system won't know how far you've travelled and will charge a penalty fare. The penalty fare charged depends on the distance that remains between the stop where you boarded (tagged on), and the final destination on that bus’ route.
Penalty fares apply to both e-money and 10-trip travel but the penalty is deducted from your e-money balance - even if you don't have e-money loaded on your card. If there is insufficient e-money to cover a penalty fare, an IOU amount will result.
Whether you travel using e-money or 10-trip, you cannot tag-on if you have an IOU amount outstanding. IOU amounts can be cleared by topping up your e-money balance by at least the value of the IOU.
Your e-money balance and details of any penalty fares incurred can be viewed online, in your transaction history作者: NewLynnHse 时间: 2011-7-25 17:21:09