
标题: 关于银行强行扣费问题,这跟抢劫有什麽区别?! [打印本页]

作者: iris    时间: 2011-7-22 18:37:56     标题: 关于银行强行扣费问题,这跟抢劫有什麽区别?!

本帖最后由 iris 于 2011-7-22 18:00 编辑

银行要收我一个合同上没有的钱,我说不可以在我还没同意的情况下从我账户里扣钱。要我付钱可以发invoice给我,如果最后我by law确实要付我会付的。


这个fee是啥呢:跟这个银行贷款两年的fxed,到期以后就自动到了foating,我找其他银行前还打电话过去问的如果现在我repay full amount的话要付什麽其他的钱吗?他们staff说不用
结果等我找了别的银行refix,又跟我说要付100 discharge fee,50 settele fee,还有250 early repayment fee,一共400这不是纯抢钱吗?合同期不都结束了吗?!之后我又没签或其它合同了


作者: 手机维修    时间: 2011-7-22 18:42:48

很银行打官司你想多了   什么银行?  多少钱?  什么费用?
作者: 假装多好    时间: 2011-7-22 18:44:33

作者: iris    时间: 2011-7-22 18:54:49

跟之前的银行贷款两年的fxed,到期以后就自动到了lfoating,我还打电话过去问的如果现在我repay full amount的话要付什麽其他的钱吗?他们staff说不用
结果等我找了别的银行refix,又跟我说要付100 discharge fee,50 settele fee,还有250 early repayment fee,意一共400这不是纯抢钱吗?合同期不都结束了吗?!之后我又没签或其它合同了
作者: 手机维修    时间: 2011-7-22 19:03:24

看清楚你的合同你不是repay full amount而是找别的银行refix
作者: iris    时间: 2011-7-22 19:10:01

我说repay full amount难道不包含这种情况吗?我觉得这个问题属于一个范围相对大的问题,所有有任何fee难道不应该当时告诉我吗
作者: sammy1112    时间: 2011-7-22 19:11:47

看清楚你的合同你不是repay full amount而是找别的银行refix
作者: sammy1112    时间: 2011-7-22 19:18:22

Loan Processing Fee
When a home loan is first arranged, a loan processing fee of $400 applies. For a split facility you pay only one loan processing fee. A low equity fee may also apply.
Alteration to borrowers or security held for a loan
Service Fee
Release or substitution of security for the loan
Transfer with new mortgage required
Land title changes with new mortgage require $200.00
Loan transferred, e.g. to a trust, with new mortgage required $200.00
Change parties to loan agreement $100.00*
Registrations affecting land titles $100.00*
Memorandum/deed of mortgage priorities $100.00*

Discharging your loan
Service Fee
Settlement statements / security release
Change parties to loan agreement or owners to title
Registrations affecting land titles
Priorities $100.00*
Release of repaid mortgage $50.00

At the end of your loan we can hold your mortgage documents for future lending or safe keeping, at no additional charge.

*Urgent requests for settlement statements or changes to loan arrangements will incur an additional fee of $25.00.

Changing loan types
If you change your loan type or move to a new fixed interest rate you will incur a switch fee of $250.00.

Fixed interest rate loans - advanced on or after 1 April 2005
For partial or full repayments of a fixed rate loan before the end of the fixed rate period an early repayment adjustment administration fee of $50.00 will apply. This will be charged in conjunction with any early repayment adjustments.
作者: iris    时间: 2011-7-22 19:23:41

Loan Processing Fee
When a home loan is first arranged, a loan processing fee of $400 applies. For a split facility you pay only one loan processing fee. A low equity fee may also apply.
Alteration  ...
sammy1112 发表于 2011-7-22 18:18

作者: 彩虹的那边    时间: 2011-7-22 19:35:29

discharge fee is for mortgage discharge if you switch to other bank(by removing their name out of your property tittle so other bank who provide you mortgage can register onto your property. Note, if you don't discharge your previous mortgage, there is no way you can get refinanced by other bank.

not sure about your early repayment fee. did you repay your mortgage before your fixed loan roll over to float? if so, they should not charge you this fee.
作者: iris    时间: 2011-7-22 19:37:59

10# 彩虹的那边
是啊,本来那个discharge fee我也没什麽异议,主要是那个250,我两年fix已经结束了啊,为啥还要收我钱啊?
作者: 赛车模拟游戏    时间: 2011-7-22 19:50:27

作者: Ardell假睫毛    时间: 2011-7-22 19:52:59


作者: bibubibu    时间: 2011-7-22 22:27:10

作者: iris    时间: 2011-7-22 22:35:10

本帖最后由 iris 于 2011-7-22 21:36 编辑

作者: ojiji_tony    时间: 2011-7-23 19:19:25

好明显是W开头的银行.......... 呵呵,祝你好运了楼主!
作者: netghost1861    时间: 2011-7-23 20:56:45

iris 发表于 2011-7-22 21:35

明白了 是kiwibank
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2011-7-24 18:32:14

early repayment fee 应该是只有break fix term 的才会有,我之前的ASB和现在的national都是这样处理的。

你如果已经是floating 是没有这笔费用的。你可以以一个新客户的名义,打电话再问问清楚。

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