Labour has confirmed it will go into the election this year with a policy to introduce a 15 per cent tax on capital gains and to reintroduce a top tax rate of 39c in the dollar for income over $150,000 a year.
Labour estimates its capital gains tax which excludes the family home will raise $78 million in the first year, rising to $2.27 billion after ten years and would raise $26 billion over its first 15 years.
等晚上看新闻.....作者: 呼啸寒风 时间: 2011-7-14 16:12:31
还是不选工党~~~~作者: 阿海 时间: 2011-7-14 16:14:34
没关系,工党不会执政的。作者: Zidane 时间: 2011-7-14 16:14:35
本帖最后由 Zidane 于 2011-7-14 15:16 编辑
昨天就看到这斯在电视上说24小时候给结果,看来是大局已定了 Labour's Tax Package:
# A capital gains tax at 15 per cent
# Will exempt the family home
# Won't apply to properties in quake hit Canterbury for five years
# Will apply to farms but not the farmhouse and section
# Will apply to shares for those who trade them "on an occasional basis". (Professional share traders already pay tax.)
# A special concession for older long term owners of small businesses with the first $250,000 of gains from selling their business exempt
# Won't apply to "personal property" such a art, books and jewellery
# Expected to affect less than 10 per cent of New Zealanders作者: jiayi982 时间: 2011-7-14 16:17:11