Ultimate Naked
Broadband that sets you free from your home phone
With an On Account mobile calling plan*
$ 65 . 00
per monthSign up now
Up to $30 discount if you have an On Account mobile calling plan*
No home phone
Free wireless modem and connection offer available
Without an On Account mobile calling plan*
$ 95 . 00
per monthSign up now * The discounted naked broadband pricing is available when naked broadband is linked to a Vodafone On Account mobile calling or Home Phone Wireless plan, which you pay for or an employer pays for. Prepay, mobile broadband, data, TXT only and Free2Call plans are not eligible for this offer.作者: 一天 时间: 2011-7-20 10:03:04
Up to $30 discount if you have an On Account mobile calling plan* ,不是太明白怎么会有50块?
Vodafone就是想绑定你,为了每月便宜的折扣,Up to $30,就是说12*30 = $360的便宜,签了个两年的约(我签约的时候好点的Plan都是2年),结果宽带省了3百,手机一年五百,两年一千,需要签约还好,不需要的不就是等于贪小便宜吃大亏?