
标题: 车被岛人撞了,准备上Disputes Tribunal,要准备哪些证据和材料。 [打印本页]

作者: 大灰狼罗克    时间: 2011-6-20 22:20:18     标题: 车被岛人撞了,准备上Disputes Tribunal,要准备哪些证据和材料。

前几天高速上被人追尾,当时就报警了。回国刚回来保险没有续,后备箱和大梁都撞坏了。岛人承认错误但是赔不起。准备上Disputes Tribunal,请问各位 上之前要准备什么证据和材料呢?
作者: kevin826    时间: 2011-6-21 02:08:52

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作者: kiwilo99    时间: 2011-6-21 13:13:26

ask the Police to issue you with a police letter.
stating the crash is the other driver's fault.
produce that letter at dispute tribunal as evidence.
get quote for your car, repair or market value..
and add up any other cost, rental and such
作者: hare    时间: 2011-6-21 13:32:11

I don't think police will confirm it's who's fault?I think they will just log a report...etc only?

3# kiwilo99
作者: laqkechen    时间: 2011-6-21 17:37:26

Disputes Tribunal应该告诉你准备的材料,通常就是三个修车厂的报价。如果对方承认就没什么可准备的了。对方没钱,最后就一周5刀,10刀的收钱吧。

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