昨晚上,左前轮侧面撞上了路基,10分钟后才发现,当时已经没气了,又开了2分钟回家。今天早上起来换轮胎,备胎是E-60 T105/70 R 14 83M 的,因为是双向胎,所以我把右后轮换到左前轮去了(因为不敢把备胎放前面),备胎放右后轮
现在我的右前轮估计有32气压,左侧前后都有30左右(因为左前轮本来是右后轮,只有30),备胎气压不知道,我应该打多少气呢,备胎上面写着inflate to 420kpa (60psi) max 总不会让我打60 吧。
if the damage area is on the side of the tyre, as far as I know, cant be repaired..
but with the new technology, perhaps there is a way to repair it...
14 inch tyre isnt too expensive...maybe buy a new one ?作者: 注册专用 时间: 2011-6-12 15:06:50